Saturday, October 14, 2006

Turn signals

Today's discussion is on turn signals.


They come standard with cars. They are required to be used by law, and you can get a ticket if you don't use a turn signal. And yet ....

They turn in front of you, speeding and you have no knowledge they are going to turn. The cars careen out of control in front of you on a highway and you don't know whats happening - until they switch lanes.

Oh yes - I LOVE the way people drive without their turnsignals.

I'm going to put a sign on my car - TURN SIGNALS COME STANDARD MORON!


----------------------- said...

I completely agree with you, especially when they are in the center lane and cut across two lanes of traffic to get into a turning lane - right at the last minute. Obviously if you were going to turn you should have know it was coming to give yourself a bit of a chance to get over there BEFORE the turn off. But they can't do that because people are 'driving' to slow....

Anonymous said...

well, turn signals do come standards, perhaps the real problem is the lack of common sense?

Laura K. said...

i hate the way pittsburghers drive. the parkway is hell.

Fate Believer said...

Oh, so many ppl have bad driving habbits. And not using turning signals is a biggie. Just honk @ them!