Tuesday, April 03, 2007


For a class, I had to write my own obituary. That was difficult for a couple of reasons.
1) I don' t like to think about dying. There are too many amazing things in my life to give it all up for death. There are too many amazing people I'd leave behind that I would miss greatly. I wouldn't get to see my son grow up, and I would miss out on a lot of thing with him.
2)It made me re-think everything I'm doing. Like, is it worth it to do musicals when I could be helping someone out? What kind of mark am I going to leave for the world when I'm gone.

Two dear friends gave me great quotes. I almost have to put them here just to remind myself that I really have made a difference in the 21 years on this earth. Personanlly, I believe I do everything I can to make a difference and enjoy my life. But then I step back and ask "is that enough?"

Tiny said "She has brought laughter, been there through the tears, and always made me glad to be who I am. She made me realize that we each have something unique to offer the world.”

Sarah said "Sometimes, when someone passes away, all that seems to be said about them are the age old clichés. But I want to catch the joy, liveliness, and love Tabitha brought to all the people around her in her life.”

Do any of you in blogger land feel the same way? Please tell me who you are if its anonymous.



Laura K. said...

you mean do we feel the same way about how they described you? can i get a "duh" on that one? *winks*

but - i think if being in musicals makes you happy you should do it because someone out there doesnt feel they have the talent to be in them but still loves them and goes to watch them all the time..and you being up there on that stage brings them joy...and that IS helping someone!

Anonymous said...

well dearest-
while you mention something like musicals and whether or not it is a waste of time, you forget to think about the way you make someone who is lonely smile, or make your son feel safe- how you can bring happiness when someone is upset. the little things are the big things... becuase in the end, it is the little that matters the most