Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The beginning of another year

School started two weeks ago.  I cannot believe I have finally made it to my senior year!  This semester seems as though it is going to be on the easy side ... as long as I keep up with my work and read what I need to.  I don't think I'll have an issue with it, however one never knows what will transpire in the next few months. I talked to my advisor on Friday and I think I have an internship set up for next semester!  Woo hoo!  That means that I will have some practical experience to go into the workforce with.  This won't be the average internship, but I might keep a running log of the fun things I get to do on here.  We shall see how my time progresses.

In other news, I read a great book series recently.  It was "The First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever," and "The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever."  As I'm sure you can figure out, they are somewhat related.  I have to admit though, the first book in the first chronicles took a lot of time to get through.  I had to slog through a lot of background information to get to the action.  But once I got there, the books were great!

I have also recently decided that I am going to take a trip to Lake Forest, Illinois sometime.  Jim Lovell (Apollo 13 commander and man with the most hours in space aside from those who have stayed on the international space station) has a restaurant up there.  He is one of the men I look up to most.  I have read his book, Lost Moon
, and the things he dealt with to get into the space program amaze me.  As well his life story is one of interest.  It could be that I am just interested because someday I'm going to go into space.  That was always my goal as a little girl, but somehow that fell to the wayside.

Well, the little guy is asleep and it is time for me to retire for the night as well.  I have most of my homework done for the week so I should rest up now.

To all of you who read this, whether it is purely by accident or on purpose, God Bless you.  I hope you have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Katy said...

i love you- you truly are a gemstone in a creek full of rocks.