Tuesday, June 27, 2006

been awhile

So it's been awhile since I've written one of these and I just decided I should take a few minutes and write. Hmm ... so lets see ... I just watched Mrs. Doubtfire, probably one of the best movies of all times.

Now I'm watching "Dirty Jobs", and I just learned that the owl pellets we disected in high school were NOT owl poo - the pellets were owl vomit. Oh doesn't that make your stomach rumble with hunger ... yuk! Haha - and he was just attacked by an owl!!!!!

I've put in a lot of rough nights ... I've been dreaming some strange things and it's hard to sleep because of it. I don't remember any of them but I do know they are strange. Hmm ... maybe its something I've been eating???

I'm sure this isn't interesting to many people, but to those of you who have read this, kudos to you. I'm just sorry it can't be more interesting.

1 comment:

Katy said...

i agree about mrs doubtfire.. although the harry potter movies are pretty excellent.... i miss your writing.. and i understand the no sleep thing.. makes life way harder than it needs to be..